Parents and carers of the children at Prospect House who are of compulsory school age will be required to ensure that they receive sufficient full time education. At Prospect House we will do all we can to support school attendance and take seriously any issues that may lead to non-attendance. Good school attendance is essential to ensure that all children and young people make the most of the educational opportunities available and achieve their full potential whilst ensuring that all children stay safe. We believe this sets good habits for later in life, and ultimately if your child is not in school they cannot learn!
School attendance and the law
By law, all children of compulsory school age must receive a suitable full-time education As a parent or guardian, you have a legal responsibility to make sure this happens.

Children with below 96% attendance will be monitored by the Attendance Team
90% attendance is equal to one day missed per fortnight
80% attendance is equal to one day a week or eight whole weeks (40 days) off school per year
80% attendance in years 1 – 5 equates to a whole year off school
New persistent absence guidelines
All children with below 90% attendance will be considered in persistent absence. If your child is in persistent absence you may be asked to attend regular attendance reviews and your child’s attendance will be closely monitored by the attendance team.
The school’s responsibility
  • Schools have a legal duty to record the attendance of every child, or record them absent or late.
  • The register will be taken at the beginning of both morning and afternoon sessions.
  • If for any reason a child has an appointment to leave school during the day, school should be informed of this prior to the day. All class registers will be completed showing the exact reasons for a child’s absence.
  • All unexplained absences will be followed up and reported by the school to the Local Authority.
Your responsibility
  • How to help your child improve their attendance record:
  • Your child must come to school every day.
  • Ensure that they arrive at school on time each day.
  • Try to make hospital, doctor and dentist visits outside school hours.
  • Please inform school in writing of any appointments known in advance.
  • Don’t take holidays in term time – requests for family holidays in term - time will not be authorised unless under exceptional circumstances.
  • If something is stopping your child from coming to school, please let us know. Please contact the school on the first day of absence.

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